My photo
I'm Arianne Marie Javier. I'm 15. I love the color pink so much. I like surfing the net, watching television and listening to music. I love to eat (but tries to eat less now :) ). I love the JPop group Hey! Say! JUMP. I'm in love and married to Ryutaro Morimoto (of course in my dreams); I'm dating Keito Okamoto (still in my dreams); I hang out with Kim Bum, Park Yun Hwa and Yuma Nakayama (in Dreamland!); I make movies with Logan Lerman, and I make music with Justin Bieber (all in my dreams). Sorry for a very imaginative introduction. I'll end this here. See yah around. XD


Friday, April 30, 2010

Finding Myself :)

This past few days, I've been changing moods.
At first I'm happy then I'll be sad.
I don't understand myself anymore.
I'm always having mood swings.
Sometimes I'm just really pissed off with everything around me.
Why can't I be happy all the time?
Why do I have to be like this?
I'm not the only one affected here; my friends are also affected.
Just like last Thursday night.
*sighs* I just don't know who I am anymore.
Am I still the same me?
What's happening to me?
I don't want to be like this anymore.
I hate being like this.
I can't avoid being like this because it just happens.
I just feel it attacking me.

I just feel like crying, or talking to someone.
I suddenly felt like I want to hug someone and cry so hard on his/her shoulders.

Sometimes, I just don't know who I really am.